GHS school information resources

(Page will be updated as information becomes available)


2023-2024 Principal's Welcome Letter

2023-2024 Bell Schedule (Versión español)

2023-2024 Administrator & Counselor Breakdown

2023-2024 Department Resource Teachers (Dept Chairs)

2023-2024 School Calendar (traditional)

2023-2024 Administrative Duties

Back to School Night

MCPS School Health Services & Athletics Reminder

MCPS Stronger Student

Immunization Requirements for 2023-2024 SY

Ninth Grade Parent Night

GHS will hold a New Parent/Guardian Orientation on Thursday, August 24th, 2023 at 7:00 pm in our GHS auditorium.  Rising 9th grade students and new students to GHS will have orientation the morning of August 24 from 7:45am until 11:30am. These students do not need to attend both sessions, but are always welcome. 

Student Academic Information

2022-2023 School Supply List (there is no official list; teachers will let students know what they need)

2022-2023 Athletic Information & Coaches List; Eligibility

2022-2023 Club & Activities


2022-2023 School Lunch Information English  French  Spanish  Korean  Chinese  Vietnamese

Parent Organizations

PTSA President:  Leah Montas -



Transportation Letter - English
Transportation Letter - Spanish

What you should know about riding the bus (English) (Español)

Morning Bus Routes

Afternoon Bus Routes

SCB/LFI Morning Routes

SCB/LFI Afternoon Routes



Cyber-Safety and Cyber-Civility

Preventing Bullying

Reporting Bullying and Harassment

Reporting Hate-Bias Incidents

Student Emergency Information form

George B. Thomas Learning Academy

Technology Code of Ethics