About Francis Scott Key MS              

When you are an EAGLE, the sky is the limit! 

Mission Statement

About Francis Scott Key MSAs members of an international society with a culturally-diverse student body, Francis Scott Key Middle School partners with parents, students, and community members to ensure student excellence and success.

Through inquiry-based learning and a rigorous instructional program, our students gain confidence and competence as life-long learners who are career and college ready, open-minded, and responsible global citizens.


Vision Statement

 Our vision is to create global student leaders through strong stakeholder relationships with a focus on character, community, scholarship, and service leading to excellence for all!


Key Values





About Francis Scott Key MSGoals

In partnership with parents, students, and community,

Francis Scott Key Middle School will:

  • Ensure Success for Every Student
  • Provide an Effective Instructional Program
  • Strengthen Productive Partnerships in Education