Flower Hill Library Media Center

The Creative Library

Where Falcons Imagine, Explore, Create, and Soar!

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

Books    Library link logo AASL banner

Click here for information about the MCPL-MCPS Library Link program!

MCPL Kids Page    |    MCPS Homework Resources

Virtual Library Media Center 

Media Center Hours

Welcome! The Flower Hill Media Center is open for book exchange from 8:45 am until 3:30 pm.

In addition to their scheduled Media Class, students may visit the Media Center with their teachers' permission at any time during the school day using a Media Center pass. 

¡Bienvenidos! El Flower Hill Media Center está abierto para el intercambio de libros de 8:45 a.m. a 3:30 p.m.

Además de su clase de medios programada, los estudiantes pueden visitar el centro de medios con el permiso de sus maestros en cualquier momento durante el día escolar usando un pase de centro de medios.

Media Staff

Mrs. Melissa King School Library Media Specialist, 240-740-5820 

Follow us on Twitter @FlowerHillMedia  |  Mrs. Suman Sharma, School Library Media Assistant 

Awards & Certifications

In May 2023, Flower Hill ES was recognized as a Maryland Green School by the Maryland Association of Outdoor and Environmental Education.

CSM Badge CSM badge 2018-2019 CSM1718      CSM-educator 

PBM Ambassador Future Ready Librarian


Media Center Newsletters:

Specialists' Spotlight Newsletters  The Creative Library Archives

Media Center Vision Statement

Our media center is a community of learners that ask questions, seek answers, share knowledge, and practice effective and ethical use of information as good digital citizens in a diverse and inclusive global society. 

Nuestro centro de medios es una comunidad de estudiantes que hacen preguntas, buscan respuestas, comparten conocimientos y practican el uso efectivo y ético de la información como buenos ciudadanos digitales en una sociedad global diversa e inclusiva.

Media Center Mission Statement

Come on in! In our media center we read for pleasure, research ideas, collaborate, create, and have fun while learning!  Our school library program empowers all learners to explore their interests, grow in knowledge, develop independent thinking, and share what they know as they become lifelong learners.

¡Venga! ¡En nuestro centro de medios leemos por placer, investigamos ideas, colaboramos, creamos y nos divertimos mientras aprendemos! Nuestro programa de biblioteca escolar permite a todos los alumnos explorar sus intereses, aumentar su conocimiento, desarrollar un pensamiento independiente y compartir lo que saben a medida que se convierten en aprendices de por vida.



Book Selection

Grade Level 

How many books may I check out each visit to the library?

How long may I keep my books to read them?

Kindergarten one (1) book one (1) week
1st grade one (1) book two (2) weeks
2nd grade two (2) books two (2) weeks
3rd grade three (3) books two (2)weeks
4th grade four (4) books two (2) weeks
5th grade five (5) books two (2) weeks

Students are encouraged to return books as soon as they have finished reading them, so that they can check out more!  Students may renew books that they are still reading - simply let Mrs. King or Mrs. Sharma know.

Virtual Tour of our Library

Click here for the tour!


Destiny(online library catalog)

Click on the link above to access Destiny, our web-based library catalog. Scroll down and click on Flower Hill to access our Home Page. Search the catalog to see if your favorite books are available. Use the On-line Resources for homework, research or just good reading fun!

Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para acceder a Destiny, nuestro catálogo de bibliotecas basado en la web. Desplácese hacia abajo y haga clic en Flower Hill para acceder a nuestra página de inicio. Busque en el catálogo para ver si sus libros favoritos están disponibles. ¡Use los recursos en línea para hacer la tarea, investigar o simplemente divertirse leyendo!

 black-eyed susan book award


The Black-Eyed Susan Book Award is an award given every year since 1992 by the state of Maryland. The Black-Eyed Susan Book Award has been given each year since 1992 to authors and/or illustrators of outstanding books chosen for the award by Maryland students. The award seeks to promote literacy and lifelong reading habits by encouraging students to read quality, contemporary literature. Visit the website for the Maryland Association of School Librarians for more information about the awards.


El Black-Eyed Susan Book Award es un premio otorgado cada año desde 1992 por el estado de Maryland. El Black-Eyed Susan Book Award se otorga cada año desde 1992 a autores y / o ilustradores de libros sobresalientes elegidos para el premio por estudiantes de Maryland. El premio busca promover la alfabetización y los hábitos de lectura de por vida alentando a los estudiantes a leer literatura contemporánea y de calidad. Visite el sitio web de la Asociación de Bibliotecarios Escolares de Maryland para obtener más información sobre los premios.


Black-Eyed Susan Nominees and Winners

RIght Top Rounded Corner

Let's Get Graphic!


Do you have questions about graphic novels? Come in to speak with Ms. McDonald, and check out these great resources: