National Honor Society

Sponsor:  Anthony Nappo

The National Honor Society was created in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals to recognize and encourage academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. National Honor Society is a prestigious organization that is restricted to only students who strive and excel in school. Membership is only granted to distinguished students who demonstrate character, service, leadership, and scholarship. Candidates are inducted in their sophomore, junior or senior year. Once inducted to the organization, members participate in various service projects. Service projects are events in which members volunteer their time to help out in the community.

In order to be considered for the Albert Einstein High School National Honor Society the student’s cumulative grade point average must be a 3.25 or higher on a 4.0 grading scale. All applicants who meet the initial criteria of a 3.25 GPA and are in their sophomore or junior are invited to join the Albert Einstein National Honor Society. After the initial invitation, each student is required to fill out an application that is reviewed by the Honors Committee.   Prospective members will be selected in February on the basis of three additional characteristics as designated by the National Honor Society:  character, service, and leadership.  Members are selected by the school Honors Committee based on: personal experience with the student.  The Honors Committee receives information from the faculty about the student’s character based on judgments on their interactions and staff.  Applications for the 2022-2023 school year will be availabel in March of 2023, please see this NHS application document for more information

NHS Tutoring

Step 1: Fill out the NHS Tutor Request Form. This form may be filled out by students, parents, teachers, or school counselors.

Step 2: Check your email over the next 1-3 days for a message from one of our tutors.*

Step 3: Respond to the tutor’s email to set up a tutoring session. Tutoring sessions occur at a time and place that is mutually agreed upon and convenient for both you and your tutor. Tutoring must occur under the supervision of a faculty member. Common tutoring times and locations are during lunch and after school in a teacher’s classroom or the school media center.

Step 4: Attend your tutoring session at the agreed upon time and place. At this session, you and your tutor will decide whether you want to meet regularly or schedule any additional sessions.

*Note: We try to match all students with tutors within 3 business days, but sometimes it takes a bit longer, especially if the student is requesting a tutor in a high demand subject. NHS tutors are volunteers, and it is therefore not a guarantee that we will be able to provide a tutor for every student who requests one. We will notify any students whom we are unable to provide a tutor.