About Us

Community Characteristics/History

Built in 1975 with an open-school floor plan, Diamond Elementary School is located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Diamond Elementary is part of two clusters: Northwest and Quince Orchard. The school serves kindergarten to fifth grade students. In addition, there is a Home School Model program. Diamond Elementary students continue their schooling at either Lakelands Middle School or Ridgeview Middle School and complete their MCPS education at either Northwest High School or Quince Orchard High School. The principal of Diamond Elementary is Mr. Dan Walder.

Our Mission

For our learning community to be successful-

We care.


     We believe.


          We respect.


              We engage.


                   We collaborate.


                        We problem solve.


While we teach, we learn. 

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Our Vision

We excel at teaching and learning to ensure that everyone reaches his or her potential. We empower our community to persevere, achieve through effort and become lifelong learners and independent problem solvers.

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 School Policy and Procedures

School Emergency Crisis Procedure Letter- 2023.pdf

 2022-23 Diamond ES Chromebook Agreement (1).pdf 

Student User Computer Repsonsibilities

Homework Policy

 New Report Card information

Quick Guide to Enrollment

Enrollment information

Discipline Policy

We have high expectations for our students at Diamond Elementary School. We believe, however, that for every child to attain their full potential they also need self-discipline. The self-discipline we teach at Diamond is based on three key messages: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. We have incorporated these words into our local discipline policy so that the children can develop strong character and make good behavior choices on a daily basis.

To learn more about our Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS), please read the following Behavior Policy letter.

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School Improvement Plan

To access our most recent School Improvement Plan (SIP), click here.

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School Supplies List

To see the list of school supplies needed for each grade level, click here: DES Student Supply List 2022-2023

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Lunch and Recess Schedule

The following is our Lunch and Recess Schedule: Lunch and Recess

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Lunch Menu

To access the current lunch menu from MCPS, please use this link:  https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/foodserv/menus/elementary_lunch.aspx

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Our Mascot

The mascot for Diamond Elementary is the Dolphin, the most popular creature in the ocean. The Dolphin is a symbol of intelligence, kindness, and peace. Dolphins have a friendly personality and want to help others that are sick or injured. They also enjoy complex problems. Dolphins are at their best helping others achieve their goal.