Student Service Learning is an instructional strategy that combines meaningful service to the community with curriculum-based learning, providing students with opportunities to apply what they learn in school to the real world as active, engaged citizens. Students improve their academic skills by applying what they learn in school to the real world; they then reflect on their experience to reinforce the link between their service and their learning.

Students must earn 75 hours to graduate – view your SSL record on your myMCPS Student Portal!

SSL Sponsor: Michelle Palank

Student Service Learning Information

SSL Program Overview

SSL Interactive Flowchart

SSL Guide for Students and Families

MCPS SSL Website

SSL Frequently Asked Questions

Student Service Learning HUB for MCPS Students and Families

Student Service Learning Forms

MCPS Form 560-50, Individual Student Service Learning (SSL) Request  

MCPS Form 560-51, Student Service Learning Activity Verification 


SSL Opportunities


Student Service Learning Deadlines 

Systemwide Student Documentation Timeline
Time Frame of Service Documentation Due Date
Service completed during the summer September 24, 2021
Service completed during the summer and 1st semester January 7, 2022
Service completed during the summer, 1st semester, and 2nd semester June 3, 2022


Systemwide SSL Award Timeline
Award Documentation Due Date
Documentation that qualifies seniors for Certificates of Meritorious Service April 1, 2022
Documentation that qualifies middle school students for the Superintendent’s SSL Award. This award is given to students who meet the 75 hour graduation requirement during middle school and is only awarded once. April 1, 2022

SSL Award Information

All SSL Forms for service completed any time during the current school year and the summer before the current school year are REQUIRED to be submitted to the school SSL coordinator no later than the first Friday in June.