We have started collecting applications for student parking for the 2021-2022 school year. 

There are a limited number of parking spaces available.  Not all requests will be able to be accommodated. 

To be eligible for a parking permit, students must be a rising senior, have a valid driver's license before the first day of school and be obligation-free. 

Obligations can be paid on-line at:

Students will also need to upload the following information during the application process:

  1. Parent Request for Student Use of Private Vehicle. Electronic Signatures ARE NOT accepted.
  2. Proof of valid driver’s license or permit (front and back)
  3. Proof of valid insurance information.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 12, 2020

APPLY NOW from your student google account: 

All applications will be reviewed for eligibility.  In early July, you will be notified of your parking status and payment information.