Academic Support Center
Academic Support Center Graphic

Deborah Herring*

RTSE/Intensity III Resource Teacher

Dana Feldman    

Resource Teacher Grade 6

Kehinde Obadina

Resource Teacher Grade 6

Webster Gray

Resource Teacher Grade 7/8

Linn Kanon     

Resource Teacher Grade 7

Curtis Finnegan

Resource Teacher Grade 8

Ellen Jones 

Learning for Independence Teacher (LFI)

Claudia Rabie

Learning for Independence Teacher (LFI)

Mary Beth Schwaiger

Learning for Independence (LFI)

Jennifer Sanes

School/Community-Based Teacher (SCB)

Lindsay Maines

School/Community-Based Teacher (SCB)

Brenda Rodrigo

School/Community-Based Teacher (SCB)


Speech/Language Pathologist


Speech/Language Pathologist

Elizabeth Allen     

Occupational Therapist

Lindsay Cowen

Occupational Therapist

Amy Warfield

Physical Therapist

Meghan Grana

Pupil Personnel Worker

Liliana Ferrufino

School Psychologist

Neetu Arora

SE Paraeducator

Tracy Berman

SE Paraeducator

Jong Sun Son

SE Paraeducator

Jinhua Cui

SE Paraeducator

Qing Cheng

SE Paraeducator

Desiree Ford

SE Paraeducator

Kimberly Gomez

SE Paraeducator

Marianna Liontris

SE Paraeducator

Peter Graves

SE Paraeducator

Felix Gutierrez

SE Paraeducator

Carol Kasunic

SE Paraeducator

Anna Martini

SE Paraeducator

Marianna Liontris

SE Paraeducator

Carol Tanck

SE Paraeducator

Jordan Thompson

SE Paraeducator

Linda Varholo

SE Paraeducator

Brie Merritt

School Nurse

Mohamed Kargbo

Health Technician

*Department Content Specialist

Department of Special Education:

MCPS ESOL Web site:

Special Services Programs at Cabin John MS

Secondary Autism Services
The Secondary Autism Program classes are self-contained classrooms in comprehensive middle and high school buildings. Students served by this model have a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder and need significant learning and social supports as a result of their disability. The curriculum is modified as appropriate to support student strengths and needs. There is a continuing emphasis on the development of language, social skills, and student independence. In addition, the students are provided with community-based instruction and in-school prevocational tasks (middle school) or community-based vocational tasks (high school) in order to prepare them for their eventual transition to adult services.

Secondary Learning and Academic Disabilities (LAD)
Secondary Learning and Academic Disabilities (LAD) services are available in all secondary schools in MCPS. These services are provided in a continuum of settings that may include components of self-contained classes, co-taught general education classes, and other opportunities for participation with non-disabled peers.

Learning for Independence (LFI)
Learning for Independence (LFI) services are designed for students with complex learning and cognitive needs, including mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Services support the implementation of Alternate Academic Learning Outcomes aligned with Curriculum 2.0.

School Community-based Program (SCB)
School Community-based Program (SCB) services are designed for students with severe or profound intellectual disabilities and/or multiple disabilities. SCB services include the following components: age-appropriate classes, heterogeneous groups, peer interactions, individualized instruction, community instruction, and transition.