Media Center

    Online Sources  | Destiny Catalog /   Black-Eyed Susans   / Capstone E Books   / Rourke E Books / Mackin E Books


CGB PTSO Book Fair - Elementary School

 Makerspace: A 3 Step DIY Guide to Creating One in Your Classroom      imagedwfgosb.png



Hour of Code Activities

Kindergarten / 1st Grade Activities Grades 2 - 5 Activities
Puppy Adventure Dance Party
Mystery Island Star Wars
Barbie Pet Vet Code a Cartoon
Kodable Google


Link to Media Center Classroom

The link above will take you to our Burtonsville Elementary School media center classroom. Usernames and passwords for online sources can be found in the media center classroom.  You can also find our media lessons as well as other media center resources there.   


Helpful Links For Students and Parents

Click the image for the link.  Usernames and passwords  can be found on our media center classroom and in the link below called centrally purchased online sources.    




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Online Resources - The table above has links to the most commonly used online sources by Burtonsville Elementary students.  A comprehensive list can be found at the link below.  In order to view this document, you must be signed into a MCPS google account.  To sign in to your MCPS google account students use their 6 digit login number with after it and their regular password.  

Online Resources List with Usernames and Passwords

Directions for how to log into your student's google account can be found here.

The directions are in both English and Spanish.  



Digital Citizenship Blog for Parents 



Sora is our shared collection of digital books, both print and audio.  The collection is shared across the district.  Students log in with their school username and password.  




  Mrs. Kinhart                                                     Mrs. McMahon

   Stacie Kinhart, media specialist                                                  Sherri McMahon, media assistant



Media Center Mission Statement

We, the Media Team, as Instructional Partners, Information Specialists, Teachers, and Program Administrators will enable students to find information, evaluate information, appreciate information, use information, communicate information, use information ethically, transfer information to new situations, and choose reading as a lifelong activity. We will do this through collaboration, professional development, direct instruction, and the institution of programs and attitudes that support a love of reading and meet student/staff information and technology needs.  



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Media Center Hours

The Burtonsville Media Center is open to students from 9:20 AM to 4:00 PM. Students may come in before the start of school, after checking in with their homeroom teachers, to borrow and return books. Students may visit at any other times during the day with teacher permission.  Our Media Center has an A Week/B Week Schedule. Students have scheduled checkout time on A Weeks and work on curricular projects and Information Literacy objectives on B Weeks.

Book Circulation Guidelines

  • Books are checked out to students for 2 weeks at a time
  • Books may be returned before the due date
  • Students with overdue materials on their account will not be allowed to borrow any books until their obligations have been met
  • Books that are lost or damaged will need to be paid for before the student may borrow another item    
  •  Image result for do not damage books clipart 

Checkout Quantities by Grade Level

  • Grades K-1
    1 book at a time
  • Grade 2
    Up to 2 books
  • Grade 3-5
    Up to 2 books, or 1 book and 1 magazine at a time
  • High Demand Items
    Students may check out one graphic novel at a time

What to Read

Here are some links to sites that you can use to find good books to read!


Parent Links




