Student Service Learning Hours

Baker Middle School Student Service Learning (SSL) 

All information about getting SSL hours, submitting completed forms, and new opportunities can be found in the Baker MS tab in MyMCPS.  You can also click on THIS LINK for a slideshow that contains answers to most SSL questions!  If you have any additional questions, please email Mrs. Paredes,, for more information.

Give a Little Time, Make a Big Difference

Student Service Learning (SSL) NEWS:
Students should continue to find opportunities to earn SSL hours throughout the summer.  Remember--in order to earn SSL hours for volunteer service, it must meet specific requirements, and the organization or activity must be pre-approved for MCPS SSL hours
How can you find out if an organization or activity is pre-approved?  Check the Montgomery County Volunteer Center (MCVC) website.  The links below will take you to the MCVC site directly to pre-approved SSL organizations or activities.  The first link is all pre-approved SSL opportunities that include both face-to-face and virtual only opportunities.  The second link is the page that filters only pre-approved SSL opportunities that are strictly virtual.  
If a non-profit organization is not pre-approved for MCPS SSL hours, you can ask their representative to contact the MCPS SSL office at to learn about the process to become pre-approved.  Another option is for the student to complete an Individual SSL Request Form (Links to an external site.) prior to the service.  The SSL coordinator at your school can then approve you to submit SSL hours for work with that organization through the end of that school year. 

Students and parents can view their current SSL status details in Student/ParentVUE! Updated step-by-step directions are available at the following link: (Links to an external site.).

 Stay tuned late summer or early in the school year for information from our new SSL coordinator.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about SSL in MCPS  visit the MCPS SSL webpage (Links to an external site.) or email the central office SSL unit at  Have a great summer of service!

SSL Opportunities

Summer Opportunities



 Montgomery County Volunteer Center:

 mcps-ssl-logo indicates MCPS SSL approved

SSL: Enhances Academic Learning

  • All SSL activities must be documented on MCPS Form 560-51, Student Service Learning Activity Verification and turned in to the school SSL coordinator according to timelines.
  • Students should keep copies of all SSL documents that they turn into the school or community representatives.
  • Organizations and opportunities not listed at must be pre approved using MCPS Form 560-50, Request for SSL Preapproval.
  • Students may address hunger and homelessness in Montgomery County by preparing bag lunches and dinners in their homes for delivery to homeless facilities. This is an exception to the guideline that all service must occur in a public place. Check out the details at the Questions and Answers section at Student Service Learning.
  • Stay aware of ways to become involved in the Montgomery County Community Service Day this month.


Superintendent's Student Service Learning Award

All students who meet the 75 hour student service graduation requirement by the first Friday in April of a middle school year will receive a Superintendent's Student Service (SSL) Learning Award. Students will receive a certificate from Montgomery County Public Schools’ superintendent. It is only awarded once.