News & Announcements

Outdoor Education Open House

An Outdoor Education Open House will be held at the Lathrop E. Smith Center on September 6, 2023 from 6:30-8:00 PM. Come have a tour of the Smith Center, meet the Outdoor Education teachers, and learn more about the Outdoor Ed program.

6th Grade Summer Orientation

Welcome to all incoming 6th grade caregivers and students! Over the summer we will be offering a few dates for families to come and tour Argyle and begin to learn about our school. If you are interested in coming, please fill out the form below and let us know if you can come and when. NOTE: there will be a formal orientation 8/24 for all 6th grade students where they will meet all their teachers and go to classes on a half day schedule. This is NOT that. This is an optional Orientation to get some information and tour the school before the school year starts. ¡Bienvenidos a todos los nuevos estudiantes y cuidadores de sexto grado! Durante el verano, ofreceremos algunas fechas para que las familias vengan a recorrer Argyle y comiencen a conocer nuestra escuela. Si está interesado en venir, complete el formulario a continuación y háganos saber si puede venir y cuándo. NOTA: habrá una orientación formal el 24 de agosto para todos los estudiantes de sexto grado donde conocerán a todos sus maestros e irán a clases en un horario de medio día. Esto NO es eso. Esta es una orientación opcional para obtener información y recorrer la escuela antes de que comience el año escolar.

2023 Summer MCPS SSL Information

Summer is a wonderful time for students to engage in SSL opportunities and earn SSL hours towards meeting the 75-hour state graduation requirement! Find out more about SSL requirements and opportunities.

2023-2024 Carpool Database

Argyle Magnet Middle School families are invited to add their home information to our carpool database for the 2023-24 school year. The information provided will be shared via e-mailed with all participating members. Once you receive the database, please contact Argyle families and parents in your local area to coordinate a carpool schedule. The school does not coordinate carpool arrangements but does provide the database service to caregivers at Argyle.

Summer 2023 MCPS Online Content Resources

Stay Sharp this Summer! Get resources for Practice, Prep, and Review for math, literacy, and language. Get free academic resources and activities for elementary, middle and high school students to help review content, practice skills, and prepare for the upcoming school year.

Summer Learning Opportunities

Attention Argyle Students and Families, please review the list of available summer resources for middle school students. Many of the camps are virtual and/or free.